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Radical Creature!
I’m Laura.

Honouring your body is a brave and radical act of self-care.

And, it can get exhausting constantly pushing back against social norms and pressures to achieve a certain body type.

Confidence builder. Conversation starter. Statement maker.

A Radical Creatures creation helps you send a clear message to the rest of the world that you celebrate all bodies.

Including your own.

Radical Creatures is Built on:

💖 Kindness

💖 Fun and joy

💖 Inclusivity

💖 Empowerment

💖 Being genuine and embracing your true self

And these values are baked into every accessory I create.

Photo of Laura wearing heart shaped earrings that say Fat Positive on them

Now for the Part Where I Tell You My Back Story

I fell in love with pairing big statement acrylic earrings with my food print dresses while working as a dietitian.

I felt bold and powerful taking a stance through my fashion, but more importantly, it offered a non-verbal signal to my clients that their body was A-OK, exactly as it was.

Wanting to create something for my clients and community that helped them feel empowered, and embrace the bodies that they live in, the pandemic seemed like the perfect time to flex my creative muscles and have something positive and fun to focus on.

Intending for it to only ever be a small side hobby, I created and launched the diet culture sucks collection in July 2020 to an eager audience of people who were as fed up with Diet Culture as I was.

And so, my accessory business was born!

The Perfect Pear Earring Co. Becomes Radical Creatures

Because part of honouring your body is embracing the imperfection that comes with being human, the name Perfect Pear no longer felt aligned with the values my business was built on.

So, over the past two years, I’ve been dreaming and imagining a bigger and bolder version of The Perfect Pear store.

Yes, there’ll still be the earrings and pins you’ve come to love, including all your food favourites. 

But I’ve been itching to creatively explore themes around body liberation, empowerment, feeling at home in your body and pushing back against BS beauty ideals.

As well as build a space for collaborations with other artists and creators.

Bringing Radical Creatures to life has truly taken a village!

I knew that I wanted my new branding to have a dreamy and whimsical feel, but needed help to make it happen. After following her work for ages, I was SUPER excited to work with Melbourne artist Kajal Khodaskar who helped me to bring my vision for Radical Creatures.

When I say that this rebrand wouldn’t have happened without Nina Mills of Butter Digital, I mean it! I have been dreaming of launching Radical Creatures for over two years, but life kept throwing me major curveballs. Nina has been an incredible support (and cheerleader) throughout the rebrand process. She has worked her magic with the tricky tech and website stuff that I haven’t had the know-how to do, as well as taking on a project management role to help keep me on track.

And of course, Radical Creatures wouldn't have gone from a dream to reality without my husband Grant, my mum, my family and friends for cheering me on - and Popcorn and Pretzel for giving me lots of cuddles 💖

Whether it’s worn with feisty don’t-mess-with-me vibes to their doctors' appointments…

Pinned close to them as a steady beacon of strength through their recovery…

Or out loud and proud living joyfully in their here-and-now-bodies…

My heart bursts with happiness on the daily hearing from people enjoying wearing my earrings and pins.

“I feel so powerful wearing (my earrings) to class as I continue to take down diet culture and advocate for body liberation in my personal, academic, and professional life.”
- Pilar

“I love how the Diet Culture Sucks dangles become such a talking point whenever I wear them.”
- Nic

“My anti-diet themed earrings are stylish, good quality, and show a message that is really important to me, and makes people notice and ask questions!”
- Louisa

Lollipop shaped pin with text diet culture sucks

Earrings and Accessories Made with Love and a Sprinkling of Sass in Geelong.

Radical Creatures earrings, pins and accessories are all designed, painted and assembled by moi in my cozy little home studio on Wadawurrung Country (Geelong), Australia.

And for my Creatures with sensitive ears, I use only surgical steel and hypoallergenic metal components and findings.

Meet the Rest of the Radical Creatures Team

Pretzel, Executive Assistant

Pretzel is always happy to help in any way he can, and is never far away from Laura’s side, ready to lend a hand and emotional support.

Pretzel is very vocal and loves a good brainstorming session where he can share all his ideas.

Pretzel’s hobbies include making biscuits, bird-watching, and having a cuddle.

Popcorn, Quality Control Officer

Popcorn has excellent attention to detail and loves completing quality checks at every stage of the making and packing process. Rest assured he will sniff absolutely everything to make sure each order meets his high standards before it’s sent off to you. 

He is a tiny pocket rocket who would literally swing from the chandelier if he had access to one.

Popcorn’s hobbies include stealing tissues, carrying his food around the house to picnic on, and training to be a parkour professional.

Feel Empowered while Flipping the Bird at Diet Culture.